Your word of the year check-in!

Hello Reader,

Did you choose a "word of the year" for 2024?

(Usually, this is a grounding word that reflects your intention for growth and/or expectancy for breakthrough for the year.)

If so, how does having a "word of the year" work for you?

  • Do you have a regular practice of seeing this unfold throughout your year?
  • Or do you choose it in January and forget about it until December?
  • Got a goose-bumpy experience to share?

In my experience, it's never been a "rah-rah" hyped up thing. Instead, it's been God's invitation for me to watch what He wants to do in and for me. And simultaneously my commitment to Him to continually choose and look for this quality or fruit in my life.

In fact, I'm so fascinated by stories my friends and clients have share over the years about their Word of the Year stretching, miracles and growth, I'm starting to ponder writing a book about it. (----> Hey 🌼 think it sounds like a book you'd enjoy reading? Drop me a line with your thoughts!)

The word that chose me this year is GRACE. It's written in lovely script across this year's vision board, along with this definition: simple elegance or refinement of movement.


This year I've felt anything but that definition of graceful.

If I'm honest, I think I've gone through a few stages of grief over this word not showing up in my life the way I've hoped.

Denial... I'll just avoid thinking about this for a while and maybe next month will magically get getter.

Anger... Mad at my circumstances. Frustrated with my limitations. But I'm not a fan of feeling big emotions...

Depression...Get quiet. Retreat. Lay low.

I supposed this means I've moved on to bargaining. For me this means shifting from a passive approach to an active strategy.

I say all this to reassure you. Those Instagram stories of ideal moments aren't the only ones that exist. If you aren't seeing the fruit and process of your word of intention for the year, it's okay.

In fact, if this were a story you're telling, this might be your "all is lost" moment before the epic music starts playing and you move towards the climax. Every good story has "in the cave" / "all is lost" moment; why not yours?

We're in September -- that time of year when life gets chaotic, we feel pressure to work towards to goals we haven't tackled yet, while still determined to enjoy the good weather. How does your WORD show up need to show up in this season?

Choose your strategy and next step for finishing strong this year:

  1. Listen 🌼 Dig into God's word, pray, listen before you tackle your next "doing".
  2. Journal 🌼 Start (or resume) a practice of intentional reflection and observation.
  3. Partner up 🌼 Find someone with whom you can talk things out, get a fresh perspective, and deepen accountability.
  4. Step of Faith 🌼 Act on the last 'divine nudge' or prompt you sensed, even if it doesn't make sense to you yet. And then do the next step. And the next.



Get the Word of the Year Journal

Need some extra ideas and focus for leaning strong into your word of the year until December? Get the Word of the Year Vision Board Journal.

Whether or not you have a Word of the Year vision board, you'll get plenty of mileage out of the reflection prompts and exercises within these pages before the year ends.


Need to get Calm and Focused with a "Get My Book Done" Strategy?

So... your September schedule ramps up, you're determined to get your book done and published. But you feel scattered with life, unknowns, a million little tings...and those sneaky secret doubts. I get it!

Why not hang out with me for an hour and get focused with a practical strategy for the fall? Tap into my strengths of drawing out the best in you, sorting through your ideas and pulling them into a plan that gets you excited to finish and publish that book!

Cheering you on,


Hello, big-hearted, purpose-driven friend! If you're wondering why you've received an email from me, let me quickly remind you. I'm Emily Grabatin, the author of ​Dare to Decide: Discovering Peace, Clarity, and Courage at Life's Crossroads, and the creator of the empowering Awaken Self-Discovery Journal.​

Through my coaching services and author resources, I aim to inspire big-hearted service providers and authors like yourself, guiding you toward clarity and focus to help you flourish in your God-given dreams and message. If you have a first draft of a non-fiction book, I'm here to help you navigate the publishing path so you can impact lives through your message.

When you discover that path, not only will your gifts and message resonate powerfully, but you'll also grow spiritually and personally along the way. Join me on this transformative journey, and let's make a lasting impact together.




242 Lakeport Rd, St. Catharines, Ontario L2N 6V2


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