Feeling undisciplined? 3 explanations...

Published about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Hey, Reader

"I need to be more disciplined."

Have you ever said this in your frustration with yourself over not sticking to a self-care practice your body needs, or procrastinating writing your book, or not getting something essential done in your business?

You need to make a significant decision, but you feel frozen.

You need to stretch every morning to regain mobility, and you know it would give you more focus and energy in the day... yet, you let everything else distract you.

You're passion about the book in your heart, but can't find the motivation to sit your butt in the chair and write regularly.

So you've convinced yourself you're not a disciplined person. That rotten feeling of letting yourself down creeps in. And thus, begins another shame cycle.

That dark ravine between healthy intentions and triumphant outcomes is familiar terrain.

The good news, is that just because you don't do what you've set out to do doesn't mean you're lazy, undisciplined or a failure.

Chances are, procrastination or self-sabotage is a signal something deeper is going on. Here are three possible explanations:

I don't feel safe enough.

You can make all the rational intentions you want, but if your brain's survival instincts feel threatened, it's going to subconsciously override your intentions every time.

What activates your primal brain instincts? Stress. Trauma. Overwhelm. Fear.

I don't feel sound enough.

This delay or hesitation has more to do with not feeling equipped to move forward. You don't know what you don't know -- and you're not even sure the questions to ask to find out or who to ask. Maybe you're not even sure the terminology or language to begin finding out what you need to know.

Or maybe you're waiting on unresolved decisions or factors that are out of your control.

I'm not thrilled enough.

Maybe you're not an "adrenaline junkie", but you're easily influenced by your moods and motivation. If the immediate actions don't feel rewarding in the moment, and you don't have a strong connection to the payoff, it feels like sludging through a bog of meaninglessness.

Postponing the action until you absolutely have to do it, the higher the stakes, the better, satisfies your need for thrill.

Today, my question for you is, in what area have you been feeling undisciplined? What outcome has that been affecting? Feel free to hit reply and share your woes!

Next week, I'll share some tips that get you moving towards living out your God-dream again... but for now, why not get out your journal or chat with a friend? See if you can name the underlying emotion or hesitation that's been trying to signal you.

Just naming your inner foreboding can spur some clarifying choices!

Cheering you on,

Emily Grabatin

PS: Need answers and actions sooner, because you too much is at stake if you delay your book/habit/decision much longer? Let's hop on a Clarity Call and get you clear on what actually has been holding you back and what's your next step that will start moving dominos.

Book your call here: emilygrabatin.ca/claritycall


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