Clarity for your 2024

Published 4 months ago • 3 min read

Hello Reader,

Welcome, 2024!

What's in store for you this year, friend?

One thing I know about heart-centred, purpose-driven people like yourself... there is a lot you could do. You are capable and multi-talented with plenty of ideas and dreams.

You're also juggling priorities, so you can't do them all -- at least, right now. However, what you do focus your time and energy on, you want to make a difference in the people and initiatives that matter most to you.

Setting goals is the classic New Year's solution to this. But does that really work?

For many years, setting a goal wasn't enough for me. It stressed me out rather than motivated me. It induced a sense of shame and failure when my action plan unravelled or life side-swiped me.

Instead, I found a collage of 3 ingredients that worked much better for having clarity in focus and direction for my personal sense of success.

DESIRE -- def "a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen". Check in with your heart and sift through the shoulds and coulds, obligations and ideas, to find out the big and little things you desire.

  • you're worthy of honouring your needs, even as you invest in others
  • don't just take it at face value -- uncover why it matters to you in this season you're in
  • explore how your desires merge with God's desires for you and His invitation to you
  • recognize which desires you can own and fulfill, and which ones can become a divine petition and adventure of faith

INTENTION -- something you determine to do; an idea or plan you aim for. This is more of a present-oriented attitude or outlook that guides your actions and behaviours.

  • when circumstances fall out of your control or your priorities clash, intention can offer a flexible, open perspective to adapt and even recognize new opportunities
  • intention focuses on how you show up on the journey and experience it
  • also useful for when you're not confident about achieving a goal you want to set; it becomes an invitation and something you make space to welcome when it appears how you least expect it.

GOAL -- A goal is a specific, measurable, and future-oriented outcome that you want to achieve.

  • it requires a tangible action plan to get there; the goal is specific enough that you'll know when and if it's accomplished.
  • an audacious goal excites you when you imagine its reality but achieving it is beyond your own willpower or current skillset. Often, it's the catalyst to stir up enough gumption to recruit the support and accountability you need to see it through.
  • the momentum of setting out to accomplish the goal often brings fresh clarity and insights that can influence your desires and how you reach your goal.

Need a tangible example?

Let's imagine an aspiring author named Sofie.

Her DESIRE desire for years has been to write and publish a book one day. Deciding this is the year she's going to do something about it, she sets a GOAL to write her first draft by December 1, 2024, and jots down some mini progress goals on her calendar. However, her INTENTION overarching other areas of her life is making more space for community. So, she finds a writing group that will help her learn the craft, keep her motivation alive and build some new relationships throughout the year.

Have you had a chance to find some quiet time to explore your desires, intentions and goals for 2024 yet?

If you'd like some companionship and creativity in this process, or if you find it easier to focus when someone else is holding the space for you, I invite you to come to my online Purpose-Infused Vision Board Retreat!

Over 2 evenings, on Thurs, Jan 4 & 11, we'll do this whole process together.

Or... sign up now and save $30 (discount code: GUMPTION)



Vision Board Retreat 2024

Part 1: January 4, 2024 | 7:00-10pm EST
Part 2: January 11, 2024 | 7:00-9:00pm EST
A prayerful, guided time of... Read more

Cheering you on,


Hello, big-hearted, purpose-driven friend! If you're wondering why you've received an email from me, let me quickly remind you. I'm Emily Grabatin, the author ofDare to Decide: Discovering Peace, Clarity, and Courage at Life's Crossroads, and the creator of the empowering Awaken Self-Discovery Journal.

Through my coaching services and resources, I aim to inspire big-hearted service providers and authors like yourself, guiding you toward clarity and focus to help you flourish in your God-given dreams. Whether you're navigating doubt, wrestling with perfectionism, battling distractions, or feeling overwhelmed, I'm here to help you find your clear path.

When you discover that path, not only will your gifts and message resonate powerfully, but you'll also grow spiritually and personally along the way. Join me on this transformative journey, and let's make a lasting impact together.


Subscribe to Emily Grabatin

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