book marketing resource

Hello Reader,

This week I've been mulling over a statement that was buried in my inbox:

"So many women are wanting to write a book, but are unsure how to get started in a holistic way that supports their lives, time, livelihood and unrestrictive creativity."

I wonder if you relate to that in any way.

Remember those days (for many) when the pandemic shut the world down, and we cancelled "busyness" from our lives? So many families appreciated the togetherness at home rather than driving around, filling their evenings with sports and activities.

We have a dream, a calling, but we don't want to compromise our values, our family, our health, our peace to make it happen.

This month, in my year of GRACE, I'm pondering questions such as...

  • what does living with "more BEING, less DOING" look like?
  • what are ways I can accomplish MORE with LESS?

It starts with CLARITY--knowing what's most important to you and what your goals are for each season.

INTENTIONALITY is a key part, as well. A bouquet of

  • mini habits that reflect your goals
  • knowing what good things to say "no" to for this season
  • accountabilty to keep you focused on what will matter most in this season and years from now

Lastly, I see that PRESENCE is essential. This could mean

  • quiet minutes with your thoughts
  • journalling
  • feeling what you feel
  • cultivating moments of wonder and gratitude
  • listening instead of talking or doing

May you delight in today and plan for what's important to you--and your legacy.

Inspiration for Your Book

Free Book: An Author's Field Guide to Book Marketing

This brief ebook offers practical lists, ideas and resources for the new author who is ready to own the role of spreading word about their book--before and after its published.

How an author coach can help you

Writing and publishing a book isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s an exercise in personal growth, surrender, and professional development. The book journey is best done with guidance, solidarity and community. Hiring an author coach or book coach

  • keeps your book a high priority with accountabilty
  • draws out your strengths and uniqueness (so you don't get paralyzed by comparison)
  • focuses you through setbacks, perfectionism and scatteredness
  • helps you understand the big picture as well as next steps

Cheering you on,

Hello, big-hearted, purpose-driven friend! If you're wondering why you've received an email from me, let me quickly remind you. I'm Emily Grabatin, the author ofDare to Decide: Discovering Peace, Clarity, and Courage at Life's Crossroads, and the creator of the empowering Awaken Self-Discovery Journal.

Through my coaching services and author resources, I aim to inspire big-hearted service providers and authors like yourself, guiding you toward clarity and focus to help you flourish in your God-given dreams and message. If you have a first draft of a non-fiction book, I'm here to help you navigate the publishing path so you can impact lives through your message.

When you discover that path, not only will your gifts and message resonate powerfully, but you'll also grow spiritually and personally along the way. Join me on this transformative journey, and let's make a lasting impact together.

242 Lakeport Rd, St. Catharines, Ontario L2N 6V2


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