an author's adventure -- and hope unhindered

Published 5 months ago • 3 min read

Reader story of sabotage (see Thursday's email) took a surprising turn...

Act 1: A Divine Nudge

One day early in 2023, an email jolted me from my routine:

"Emily, a local author is stranded. His publisher went bankrupt, leaving him unable to access royalties or order books vital for his travelling ministry. Can you help?"

The timing was curious. I had just prayed for guidance in focusing my coaching business towards authors.

The opportunity? Profound. This author's book shaped me in my 20s, and I knew thousands of others had benefited from it as well.

Honoured to help, I set out to research the steps to reclaiming his book's control and we were able to celebrate his successful republishing.

Act 2: Guidance Through Unfamiliar Waters

For the next few months, each week, I had interactions with new authors who were confused and overwhelmed by the publishing process.

Guiding them through various checkpoints, I not only helped them find the answers to their questions but also the questions they didn't know to ask. The crucial gaps in navigating a successful publishing process became clear.

As I celebrated the authors' milestones and book launches, I realized the need for a guiding hand through the maze of details, market research, platform building, and outsourcing. Beyond the technicalities of the process, I also saw the value of a faith-nurturing focus.

Anyone can scour the internet and find the steps to publish a book on Amazon.

But when you're a big-hearted, purpose-driven person with a message of hope someone in this broken world desperately needs... that's not enough.

You'll need crucial elements in place for your book to be eagerly read, bought, and recommended by your ideal readers -- and sustain the process -- over and over again.

So how could I help?

Act 3: Invitations to New Adventures

Finally, I listened to my author friends who encouraged me to offer publishing help in an official capacity.

I sketched out a Publish & Impact coaching program that walks emerging authors from rough manuscript to holding a beautiful book in their hands. In June, I invited two ready authors to embark on the self-publishing adventure with me.

They responded immediately with, "I'm in!".

As challenges, publishing woes and marketing intricacies appeared at every turn, the weekly calls, resources, and hand-holding became lifelines.

This month, Ginette, one of these authors, released her devotional, Hope Unhindered: 40 Days of Encouragement for the Weary! (It's cozy and a soothing balm for any weary soul -- a great gift for a busy or discouraged woman in your family. You can get it here.)

Last night, I was thrilled to attend the book launch open house at Ginette's local bubble tea cafe. Her friends and readers steadily stopped by, purchasing their copies, offering congrats, and eagerly peaking inside the book.

Because she had the encouragement and support she needed to navigate the learning curves and challenges... many weary souls will find encouragement and hope in their daily routines. what?

I'll share more next week, but in the meantime, I'd love to hear your story! Have you ever....

a) written a book?

b) wanted to write a book?

c) published a book?

d) attended a book launch or been part of a street team?

Hit reply and tell me about it! What has your experience been like?



Hello, big-hearted, purpose-driven friend! If you're wondering why you've received an email from me, let me quickly remind you. I'm Emily Grabatin, the author ofDare to Decide: Discovering Peace, Clarity, and Courage at Life's Crossroads, and the creator of the empowering Awaken Self-Discovery Journal.

Through my coaching services and resources, I aim to inspire big-hearted service providers and authors like yourself, guiding you toward clarity and focus to help you flourish in your God-given dreams. Whether you're navigating doubt, wrestling with perfectionism, battling distractions, or feeling overwhelmed, I'm here to help you find your clear path.

When you discover that path, not only will your gifts and message resonate powerfully, but you'll also grow spiritually and personally along the way. Join me on this transformative journey, and let's make a lasting impact together.


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